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Products Precision and Reliability Produkte von TrigasDM

10 - 44,000 l/min | Kalibrator Modell CVC 10-44000-DM

Sonic Nozzles are internationally recognized as the best Flow Transfer Standard for gas flow measurement and Calibration.

The CVC series of calibration stands operating under our CFlow+ data acquisition and control software feature nozzle manifolding and pressure control for optimal flexibility.

This PC based, gas calibration system offers truly exceptional accuracy and stability using advanced flow calculation algorithms and compensation techniques.

Measuring Principle:Sonic Nozzles, Secondary Standard
Flow Range:10 to 44000 l/min
Pressure:up to 7 bar
Uncertainty:+/-0,2 % of mass flow rate typical
UUT Inputs:TTLpulse, magnetic pickoff, RF pickoff, Visual , Analog (0-10v, 4-20mA, etc.)

CFlow+™ : the software solution from TrigasDM for primary and secondary calibrators

CFlow+™ : the software solution from TrigasDM for primary and secondary calibrators offers a simple and user-friendly way to control and monitor complex test benches. As a Windows® and LabVIEW-based development, CFlow+™ offers intuitive operation of almost all common calibrator systems.

Find more information here.

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